Europe is a large market that demands variety, which is why we are focused on offering high-quality vegetables from Serbia. We strive to provide a diverse selection of fresh produce that meets the highest quality standards, ensuring satisfaction and health benefits for our customers. In addition to peppers and cucumbers, we also offer the following vegetables to our customers:
Cherry Tomatoes: Varieties include Early Cherry, Red Cherry, and Campari, with an average fruit weight of 15-20g. Available from week 24 to week 43. Packaging is available in 250g and 500g containers, in cups and crates.
Carrots: Varieties include Bolero, Chanteny, Lagun Early, and Scarlet. Available year-round, packaged in 3kg and 5kg bags.
Zucchini: Available in both green and white varieties from April to October, packaged in 500g containers sealed with FlowPack technology or in 3kg and 5kg crates.